
AROC Training Material and Information


Included here is our AROC Training Manual.  Please download to have ready for your session. REMINDER - You will need to prove English Language Proficiency, and below is the information you will need to know. AROC English Language Proficiency (ELP) Evidence As part of your AROC certification you will need to provide evidence to CASA that you meet the minimal requirements for GELP (General English Language Proficiency) for your AROC. This is a requirement from CASA, so to prevent any delay with your application, please be sure to comply. NOTE - This is a CASA requirement, and it is they [...]

AROC Training Material and Information2024-12-03T19:45:34+11:00

Chief Remote Pilot Compliance Training


Chief Remote Pilot Compliance Training Welcome to FPV Australia's Chief Remote pilot Compliance Training. This course is for an existing Chief Remote Pilot (CRP), or someone about to be a CRP, to understand their obligations and responsibilities when operating under a Remote Operators Certificate, including understanding compliance against Part 101 Manual of Standards. You can complete this course as many times as you like, and remember if you have any questions, we are always here to help. We hope you enjoy. Regards FPV Australia.

Chief Remote Pilot Compliance Training2024-12-03T19:45:51+11:00

RePL Course Lecture Library


RePL Course Lecture Library Welcome to the FPV Australia RePL Course Lecture Library. Here you will find a stack of videos that follow your manual.  So if you need to refresh, or you would like some supplementary information, then these videos are for you. You can watch them as many times as you like, and remember, if you have any questions that pop up, you can simply send us an email and ask away. We hope you enjoy. Regards FPV Australia.

RePL Course Lecture Library2024-12-03T19:47:04+11:00

RePL Practice Exams


Welcome to FPV Australia's RePL Theory Practice Exam 1.  This exam will simulate what you can expect in the real exam  This exam is in a closed book exam, so try your best not to use your training material. You are Ok to use OzRunway, or a Paper Based map and ERSA. What you will need You will need the following items Continuous access to the internet. The VNC Map provided to you by FPV Australia - OR - a valid OzRunways subscription. Access to the Air Services Website for ERSA - OR - a valid OzRunways subscription. Have a [...]

RePL Practice Exams2024-12-09T16:50:05+11:00

FPV Australia’s RePL Course


Welcome to FPV Australia's RePL Theory Exam.  This exam will be completed in real time, with your instructor present.  This exam is in a closed book exam. Meaning, you will not be able to have access to your student manual, or study material during the exam. You will be able to use OzRunway, or a Paper Based map and ERSA. What you will need You will need the following items Continuous access to the internet. The VNC Map provided to you by FPV Australia - OR - a valid OzRunways subscription. Access to the Air Services Website for ERSA - OR [...]

FPV Australia’s RePL Course2024-12-03T19:48:03+11:00

FPV Australia RePL Examination Session


Welcome to FPV Australia's RePL Theory Exam.  This exam will be completed in real time, with your instructor present, via our Virtual Classroom.  This exam is in an Open Book exam, and so you will need a few things. What you will need You will need the following items Your student manual The VNC Map provided to you by FPV Australia - OR - a valid OzRunways subscription. Access to the Air Services Website for ERSA - OR - a valid OzRunways subscription. A quiet location where you will not be disturbed for about 2 to 3 hours. Your instructor will [...]

FPV Australia RePL Examination Session2024-12-03T19:48:34+11:00

Contact Info

PO Box 612, Yass. NSW 2582

Phone: 1300 378 287

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